Friday, January 1, 2010

Kundalini Power

The dormant spiritual power of man resides between the base of the sexual organ and the anus.  When awakened through spiritual practice, it enters the Sushumna channel that is inside the backbone and starts coursing upward toward the brain.  Inside the Sushumna channel, there are six different centers of spiritual awareness called Chakras.  These Chakras are visualized by the Yogis as so many lotuses.   They are, in ascending order:
1.       Muladhara - situated near the anus, is a four-petaled lotus
2.       Svadhishthana - situated at the base of the sexual organ, has six petals
3.       Manipura - which is in the region of the navel, is a ten-petaled lotus
4.       Anahata – located in the region of the heart, contains twelve petals
5.       Vishuddha – near the base of the throat, has sixteen petals
6.       Ajna – situated between the two eyebrows is a two-petaled lotus
Muladhara is the seat of the Kundalini power.  After being awakened, this power passes through these six chakras and reaches the cerebrum where the Sahasrara, the thousand-petaled lotus is located.  When the awakened Kundalini power reaches the Sahasrara, the spiritual aspirant becomes illumined.
Book:  Meditation – Mind and Patanjali’s Yoga by Swami Bhaskarananda, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.  Price Rs.75/-.  Pages – 252.

For more information and guidance, visit or
Note – The above points are notes I have scrubbed down while reading the book “Meditation – Mind and Patanjali’s” written by Swami Bhaskarananda. I am blogging this material only to encourage the readers who see my blog to read the book and is not meant for any commercial purpose. It is just sharing information about a good book.

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