Saturday, October 2, 2010

Spiritual Suggestions

So, keep questioning, frustrate yourselves with questions and answers and argue with others but be on the spiritual path. Someday, u will understand everything as it is.

there is no convincing answer of why we are born!!

Thinking is the root cause

Thinking (right or depends) is the root cause for all the problems - physically, mentally, socially, materially and spiritually.

Thinking is an Addiction. Get rid of it.

Spiritual Suggestions

"agitation, restlessness, frustration and above being in hurry to achieve or get rid of something" is the root cause for not being able to meditate.

Letting go

"Letting go" is good but we must remember that 'the tides which goes back comes again and hits the shore'. Pain is something like that. It comes again and again leaving us devastated. Wounds have become Scars but those Scars can also become Wounds if we are not alert!!!
There is an internal music going on.....true meditation brings it out. Then, there is no need of external music or any other things.

Spiritual Suggestions

What I noticed from my personal experience with meditation is that unless we reduce our "agitation and hurry" we may not get the right results that fast.
There is a school of thought that some people are born with some qualities which includes doing meditation also and for them, it may be natural and very easy. But for others, it may not be the same. We must judge our self in this regard and not get bluffed by all the stuff or saying thrown at us.
If one is getting good results easily and in a very short time, it's OK but he must understand that it is just on a temporary one and that meditation is only showing affect on weak or upper layers. One must go deeper and deeper to get real benefits of meditation.

Making life a worth living is what life is all about!!!!

Spiritual Suggestions

Our thoughts and emotions covers up reality. Control the thoughts and emotions from those thoughts, u can see things as near to reality.

Awareness is always there but 'Right Awareness' is what is needed and that occurs only when we have con...trol over the 'types of thoughts and emotions'.

Spiritual Suggestions

Two people cannot have same type of experiences because they are totally different from one another. The input (which is our body, karma and mind) is processed by a formula (meditation or any other type) which results in some by...product(calmness, agitation, enlightenment and so on).

What really matters here is not the formula or byproduct but the input is the input so will be the output.

All our efforts and understanding must make us realise our input 'as it is' and from there work on it to progress gradually.

Our aim to walk on spiritual path must be to work on our own 'input' but unfortunately people are running after 'byproduct'.

Spirituality is a very long journey; definitely not of single life......

'Agitation and Comparison'' are the biggest obstacles for any sadhak.

Going to Temple

We go to temple because we cannot go "Internally" and try to use 'external support like a form, person or place' to dive ourself into 'internally'.

Spirituality is not for sale; if it is for sale, it is not spirituality.

  • As S.N. Goenka says, "What price u can pay for true technique and teaching?"

  • The moment u start walking on spiritual path, "greed, lust and materialization" runs away from you.

  • True Spirituality can never be can be only given freely.

    Any person or organization who tries to sell Spirituality are not at all spiritual but are into the 'business of spirituality'.

  • Even books and workshops priced more than its real price is only a business.


Time will make everything to settle on its own but it will be a long process and lot of our energy is wasted by that time. But if we can somehow manage ourself to handle those situations and restless to some degree, we will be benefited a lot.

Unfulfilled dreams forever....

From childhood I wanted to touch the feet of Main Statue of Balaji at Tirumala. For some time, I use to meditate thinking I am infront of the main deity.

Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell are not something there UP...based on our karma in this life and from past lives, we will get a womb for next birth and that womb will define your surroundings, problems, nature and so on. That stay in heaven or hell is nothing but a life span in a human body.

Now, look at ourself and answer to oneself whether u r in heaven or
hell in this birth. Whatever may be your answer, if we can realize that
based on our previous karma we are where we are either in heaven or
hell...i think that is enough.


Ayodhya issue...

The issue of Ayodhya is not about land but more of ego clashes between brothers, I think. When that was addressed by the High Court, all these brothers who fought with each other for decades are now calm. May that peace prevail for ever.

No one like him......

Is Gandhi relevant today? This questions comes up now and then. 

The way the people of India and particularly the way Indian Politicians have behaved after the Ayodhya verdict....what to expect more than that.
I think it is right tribute the country has paid for the Nation of Father after Independence.

My first book on Gandhi was "My Experiences with Truth" brought from Anand Bhavan in Allahabad (it is Nehru house in Allahabad). Brought that book only because it was Rs.20/ at that time and the cheapest book available in the bookstall. All... Nehru books were priced more than Rs.100/- and wanted to complaint to someone to keep their prices low. Before that, I never liked Gandhi at all. I started reading that book in the train from Allahabad to Anantapur which was more than 3 days journey between lots of halts in between due to heavy rains.

Now, I think Nehru made me to go thru Gandhi writings.....forcefully!!!

A Complete philosophy is what I can say about Gandhi writings and his life. Start reading about him and u will realize why he was called "Mahatma".
He talks about everything from Spirituality to Sex to Society to Politics and what not. No person in recent times has so much strong views on each topics.What is amazing is the clarity he has on them, the way he puts things in right perspective and what amazes more is that the more he talks about modernity, the more it resembles from the past...glorious past of Indian thought. He mixed every thing...history, law, religion, heritage, personal, politics, cultures, society, capitalism, humanity, caste, communism.......


Life is like a fish out of water

Life is like a fish out of water....when this poor fish is struggle for a breath and to get back into water as soon as possible; U want it to understand philosophies, to meditate, to control his senses, thoughts, be compassionate and what not....