Saturday, August 2, 2008


Migraine headache is usually an intense pain occurring on one or both sides of the head. Most people with migraine headache feel the pain in the temples or behind eyes, ears or head, although any part of the head can be involved. Besides pain, migraine also can cause nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Some people also may see spots or flashing lights or have a temporary loss of vision.

Migraine can occur any time of the day, though it often starts in the morning. The pain can last a few hours or to days. Migraines are not a threat to your overall health, but can interfere with your day-to-day life.

Migraine headache may start due to many reasons and depends on person to person.

1. lack of sleep

2. improper dieting

3. high volume sounds and long hours of listening through headphones

4. Stress, Anxiety, Frustration, Anger, Sadness and Depression

5. Above all, Intensity of thoughts continuously.

Migraine do the have physical side but more on emotional level. If u r emotionally OK, then the effect of migraine or its intensity will be less. Medication is necessary as most of the times, it also happens to be trigger sometimes due to neuro problems. But it can be minimized to large extend by other methods.


1. Taking proper diet and exercising regularly.

2. Have good sleep and fresh air.


3. Try to practice meditation one hour every day.

(vipassana meditation is good.

(Try Relaxation techniques or Self Hyponiusm for 30 minutes twice a day)

4. Read some books on spirituality which empowers u about the life and their problems.

Try to calm down ur lifestyle and go slow on urself. The demands u have on urself and try not to judge everything particularly about urself. 90% of our problems are due to our emotional setup and try to take life as it is rather than trying hard to change everything and more over yourself.




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