Friday, November 26, 2010

Freewill only for Future.....

In past 15 years, I am asking this question again and again to everyone and to myself. The experiences of life till now only confirms that there is a script for us to this life and we have to just follow it either by acceptance or forcefull. There are things which u cannot change in this life whatever u may do. No hardwork, pooja or prayers come into play if it is already decided. Hinduism has this three types of karma and one such karma defines your present life.

Freewill exists for future.....

Whatever you do today, karma of that will be experienced in the future. But our concerns normally would to be get over the past karma and their results and achieve something what we want. That is impossible. Whoever say that is he is blessed by someone or prayer or pooja, it means that it is already defined in your past karma that a particular person or pooja will help you at a particular period.

All other philosophies or concepts (Bhakti, Guru, Hardworking) are just concepts for mental comfort. That is my knowledge from my personal experiences.

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